
We believe that our packaging should take care of the three most important aspects; 1. Customer 2. Product 3. Environment.

1. Customer, that is, the very beautiful You.

For the customer, the first look should be pleasing. Upon opening the box, you should find your product safe and should know what stones your beautiful piece of art is made of. You should also be able to use the jewellery pouch without worrying about what to store the jewellery in, to protect it.

2. Product, that is, our beautiful pieces of art.

Each piece is snugly put in a wool felt pouch, which does not let any air pass through it. This ensures that your product is very much protected from premature tarnish. The pouch is designed in such a way that no pieces rub against each other ensuring that they do not scratch or damage the stone(s) in any way.

3. Environment, that is, our Protector.

"Environment is no one’s property to destroy; it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect". – Mohith Agadi

So, being a corporate entity it is a bigger responsibility to work towards building a better environment. At this point in time the least we can do is minimize our Carbon Footprint.

Our boxes are made of Eco friendly paper. They are made of 100 % Recycled colour paper.

Our Courier Bags also are 100% Bio Degradable.

 So, we at The Carats take care of the three MOST IMPORTANT aspects of our life! 


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